Let’s connect!

It all begins with an idea, and we’d love to find a way to help you bring it to life! Whether you’re interested in working together but would like a bit more information about our offerings and availability, have a collaborative opportunity you’d like Linsey to jump in on, or are curious about upcoming licensing opportunities, use this form to share why you’re reaching out.

Before submitting a project inquiry, please review our Studio Policies.

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Our services may be a great fit for your project if…

You've officially named and registered your business, and have a brand strategy in place (or are currently working on one).


You are willing to fill out an in-depth creative brief that confidently articulates what you envision for your brand and how you would like your audience to perceive, interact with, and benefit from it.


You want your business to stand out from competitors while attracting, connecting to, and building a relationship with your target audience.


You want to work with a designer/creative team who follows a creative brief but isn't afraid to push the envelope when necessary.


You are collaborative and understand that any project with a design professional requires timely and organized delivery of requested material, as well as thorough, constructive feedback in a professional and timely manner.


You are ready to work with experienced design professionals who want to see your business succeed as much as you do!